Thursday, August 21, 2014

Waiting For My Tim Tebow



Don't let the title throw you off... As much as I would love for this to be the real Tim Tebow we're talking about here, sadly its just a phrase my mom came up with to keep me motivated in my season of singleness. After my engagement didn't work out my heart was severely bruised and I wasn't quite sure what my next step in life was going to be but I had to teach myself all over again that Jesus was going to give me the strength to pull through regardless the situation. As much as it hurt me I had to open my eyes to a simple but very important factor, God has already picked out "my person". Despite the decisions I make, he already knows way ahead of time how my "so called plans" I've made for myself will work out. Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". No where in that scripture does it say "I know the plans YOU have for yourself, plans to give you hope and a future" so stop trying to intervene! Trust me on this one, I have plenty of practice in this field, patience really is a virtue. My sweet sisters (and brothers of course) God is not ignoring you and he didn't forget about you! He is simply waiting for the perfect time to show you the wonderful things he has in store for you. I know waiting is hard, I know it's frustrating, and I know it can feel hopeless but what I can tell you is when you wait for something so special and well deserved, most of the time the results of it being successful are much greater than trying to accomplish it on your own. At one point in my life I always thought my loneliness would go away if I found someone to distract me. I put my sadness and my hurt in guys who weren't capable of loving me. I wanted attention, I needed to know I was wanted or cared about, but can I tell you something? Going to a mate for attention because you are lonely isn't going to work out well for either one of you. If you don't love yourself first then how can someone else love you? Matter of fact if you don't love YOU then how can you fully love someone else either? There is no one on this entire earth that can fill the void of loneliness like God can. I've had many shaky moments about my single girl status and I'm not ashamed to say that. I've asked questions like how come I have to wait? Is something wrong with me? Am I not good enough? Time out here! The thoughts and questions I had are probably similar to some of the ones you've had. You are waiting because God isn't ready to introduce you to "your person" yet. You are waiting because his time in Heaven is much different then our time on earth. A year to us is only a few minutes in Heaven! I sighed when I was told that. Like ummm, what? You've got to be kidding me! (Ok let's get back on track here) There is a purpose in everything and I really believe that. If you ever think you're the only one waiting, I strongly encourage you to open up your bible and see that you are in great company! Waiting was the theme back then. In all honesty God doesn't make you wait to harm you or to punish you, he's doing it because he loves you more than you can ever grasp and he knows what's best for you. He's there today, tomorrow, and every day after that. He's a very busy fella! I have learned that this season of singleness is meant for me to build my relationship with him, it's his way of wanting to spend more time with me. Once I realized what God wanted from me I decided not to chase anyone anymore and not to date around. I use to have a type, I use to be very specific about what type of man I wanted, hate to break it to you but that idea eventually got shut down by my Heavenly daddy. When someone asks me now a days the very popular question, "what kind of guy are you interested in?" My reply isn't what they are expecting. When I talk about waiting for things I'm not just talking about relationships. I'm talking about the desires of your heart, your health, your healing, your ideas, your dreams. I know there are many things we all are waiting for wishing it would happen at this very moment but news flash, until God is absolutely ready, you will continue waiting. I will tell you this, God tests the righteous, he puts us through things on purpose to see if we will trust him. When I say you should try to pass the test the first time I'm not kidding, because I have had to learn the hard way... (oops, guilty) I remember having to renew my drivers license at 19 due to an accident that was my fault, see I told you I wasn't perfect. I knew I was set, after all I had been driving since I was 15, I mean duh, I clearly was an expert! Here I am at 19, just weeks before my 20th birthday getting ready to take the test again. I didn't study because I mean I was ready, right?? After all I was the girl who passed her learners on the first try. Well Guess what? I wasn't as mentally prepared as I thought I was. I failed this test miserably. I went back again, failed it. You probably see a pattern here! I was way past humiliated, I was on a whole different street at this point. After the third time failing this test, I had to go back to driving school. Eventually everyone in the DMV had waited on me, (not really but that's how it felt) I had to pray each time I would get a different DMV clerk. Oh and I forgot to mention that I took this awful test for the third time on my 20th birthday, yep that's right I wasn't able to drive after midnight. Two weeks with no license was a huge deal to me, I'm not use to relying on others for help, I try to do most things on my own, well BINGO! that was the test, that's what I think anyway. I learned to ask people for help and surprisingly they really did, they helped me, they had no problem with it at all. My daddy drove me to work those days, we bonded and I was able to save on gas money! It was a win win for the both of us! So, Anyway, I went to driving school and was able to take the test the next day, finally I passed! Whew. This was such a hard lesson to learn but it will always be embedded in my head. Moral of the story, never take things for granted, even something so simple as a drivers license. Allow people to help you. Allow God to be God and trust him.  To this day I feel as If God was protecting me from something bad happening If I were to of been behind the wheel immediately. I don't know that for certain but I know whatever reason, I am thankful for it today. It makes for an interesting story though. Brothers and sisters, My advice for you is this... When you feel like you have been skipped over, passed by, or forgotten about let me reassure you, you have not. If you ever doubt your worth or how loved you are I hope you realize how wonderful you are. You are a miracle. You are a blessing. When things aren't going the way you expected them to, go talk to God. He wants to hear from you. He knows our hearts but he loves hearing our words even more. As I always say, you were born on purpose and for a purpose. Waiting is good. From my heart to yours.



"Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD" Psalm 27:14


My pastor (Destination Church) & I the night I decided to trust Jesus wholeheartedly again 

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